In one moment swirling in a buzzing office – and suddenly in the middle of a break. Life has changed from one day to the next, so have the topics of conversation. They all circle solely around famlily. Meanwhile the business world is moving fast.
Digitalisation changes not only organisation charts but whole mindsets. No matter, if the reason for the break is a new family member or accompanying the partner into a different country: the person concerned is torn out of his or her active career and becomes an observer of the fast changing business world.
The Living Room Lectures were founded by two women, who didn‘t just wanted to stand on the sidelines and who are eager to make an impact for themselves as well as like-minded parents.
about hot topics of the
working world digitalization, e.g. agility
social politics
personal development
twice a month, always Fridays:
meeting in a living room of a
expert speaker presents
his or her topic, followed
by discussions and questions
special highlight
Babies and toddlers are more than welcome (in fact they are the reason why we got started)! Babysitter and toys are available
At a glance: All on- site lectures so far
since 2020, March
Break due to the Corona crisis, hopefully back soon
2020, February
Modern Working Models III: Working as a digital nomad
Kathrin Wächter, Virtual Business Expert at ckatyourside.com
2020, January
Modern Working Models II: How to navigate hungarian working culture
2020, January
Modern Working Models I: Job sharing
Lucia and Florian Ries, German Embassy Budapest
2019, December
Trust in yourself – How to overcome your inner critic
Oliver Beyer, Trainer and Coach
2019, November
Working in a networked self-self organization
Angela Maus, COO Resourceful Humans
2019, October
Digital Transformation
Tina Burkhardt, Founder and CEO Shiftschool for Digital Transformation
2019, September
Female Leadership
Dr. Katharina Kleinehakenkamp, Value Stream Leader, Head of Department, Robert Bosch GmbH
2019, June
Impact Business Modell Canvas
Beatrix Bedö, Co-Founder and CFO Impact Hub Budapest
2019, May
Digital Marketing Strategies
Ingrid Ihasz, Head of Digital Future at GroupM
2019, March
UX and Consumer Centricity
Björn Watzlawik: Product Owner User Management, Bosch
2019, February
Neuroscience in Advertisement
Janette Shigenawa, former Head of Research at Twitter Southamerica
2019, January
Double career and a kid abroad
Anna Miller, Senior Manager Recruiting, Robert Bosch Kft.
2018, November
Agility – an introduction
Patrycja Mis, Agile Master, Robert Bosch Kft.
2018, October
Refugee situation in Hungary
Grusa Matevzic, Lawyer at the Hungarian Helsinki Comitee
2018, July
Being a Mompreneur
Shayna Prunier, Co-Founder of Impact Hub Budapest
2018, June
Career coaching
Anna Knell, Global HR Business Partner at Roche
2018, May
Training: Being interviewed for a job
Wentje Trautnitz, HR Manager
2018, April
Business Storytelling
Mechthild v. Knobelsdorff, Communications consultant at Stories Connect
2018, March
Life of an author
Sibel Susann Teomann, Author