Our story

That’s us, end of 2017. Wentje was nearly at the end of her pregnancy with her second child and Arabell just gave birth to her second baby a couple of weeks ago.
We both still remembered the time after becoming a mum for the first time.

There are so many things to do, but for none of them you really need your brain. So we both
feared that it would be the same this time and
we could take our brain and store it in a fridge and…

…close the door of the fridge with a loud
for the next year or so.
…close the door of the fridge with a loud
for the next year or so.
While talking to friends and former colleagues we were fascinated, how fast the business world is changing. Digitalisation not only changes organisation charts, it changes complete mindsets. And we stand there, observe the changes from the outside and see the gap between us and the business world growing bigger and bigger.
While talking to friends and former colleagues we were fascinated, how fast the business world is changing. Digitalisation not only changes organisation charts, it changes complete mindsets. And we stand there, observe the changes from the outside and see the gap between us and the business world growing bigger and bigger.
And we are not alone! While spending time at the playground, we realised that many of the other parents we met there, have the same fears. And we also realised, how many talented, well educated and ambiguous people they are.
And we are not alone! While spending time at the playground, we realised that many of the other parents we met there, have the same fears. And we also realised, how many talented, well educated and ambiguous people they are.

So the question that kept us busy was simple:
„How can we feed our brains and take care of our little ones at the same time?“
The answer was as simple as the question: we will create an educational format, that exactly fits to our needs on our own.

The idea of The Living Room Lectures was born.

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